
Fans in Boston Cheer Red Sox at Parade and Rally

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Associated Press

Hundreds of thousands of fans cheered the Red Sox at a rally Wednesday and heard the players who lost the World Series promise to win the championship next season.

At City Hall Plaza, Red Sox General Manager Lou Gorman told the crowd, which roared as team members were introduced, that fans had been the team’s “motivation and inspiration” during its drive to the American League pennant.

“We had an outstanding season and we came within one pitch of bringing the world championship trophy to Boston, where it belongs,” Gorman said. “We rededicate ourselves and will redouble our efforts to bring that trophy back to Boston one day in the future.”


Police estimated 750,000 lined the parade route or attended the rally and reported one arrest. “We’re just a great bunch of people here in Boston,” said Jane Sheehan, a police spokeswoman.

The crowd offered prolonged cheers for first baseman Bill Buckner, whose error allowed the Mets to win the sixth game of the Series, but greeted relief pitcher Bob Stanley, who uncorked a wild pitch in the crucial 10th inning, with boos as well as applause.

Pitching ace Roger Clemens, who was introduced only as “the Cy Young Award winner,” drew some of the loudest cheers.
