
Islamic Jihad’s Statement on Freed Hostage

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Associated Press

Here is the text of the statement by Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War) on the release Sunday of American hostage David P. Jacobsen. It was translated from Arabic into English by the staff of the Associated Press in Beirut:

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.

We declare to the world public opinion, the American people and the families of the hostages the release of American David Jacobsen.

We hold the American government fully responsible for the consequences of any failure to take advantage of this opportunity and proceed with current approaches that could lead, if continued, to a solution of the hostages’ issue.


We alert the American government, the families of the hostages and the American people that we shall take a totally different attitude in case the American government fails to complete these approaches to arrive at the hoped-for results.

We pledge to continue our jihad (holy war) until we establish God’s will on Earth, demolish all the idols and tyrants and achieve victory for the oppressed and the deprived.

The Islamic Jihad organization. November, 1986.
