
For Thatcher Twins, Good News and Bad

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Associated Press

It was a day of ups and downs for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s twins.

Carol Thatcher, a feature writer at the Daily Telegraph, was reprimanded by the newspaper for writing an article for a women’s magazine, editor Max Hastings said.

Meanwhile, press reports said Carol’s twin, Mark, is engaged to marry Diane Bergdorf, the daughter of a Texas businessman. The prime minister’s office would not confirm the reports, but a spokesman said an announcement was expected Thursday.

Hastings said Carol, 33, was being transferred to another department for writing, without permission, an article for Women’s Own magazine based on an interview with Princess Michael of Kent.


She quoted the princess, whose husband is a cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, as saying she has the best family pedigree of anyone who has married into the royal family since World War II.

Hastings’ statement said Carol asked to be dismissed with compensation but was refused. Carol said the matter is now in the hands of her lawyers.

The London Times said Mark Thatcher is expected to marry Bergdorf, 25, the daughter of a Dallas car dealer and property developer, early next year.


Mark works in Dallas as a sales executive with the British company Lotus Cars.
