
Stanton : Sapien Chosen Mayor Over Pace’s Objections

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Despite objections from the outgoing mayor, Councilman Sal Sapien has been named mayor.

Outgoing mayor Mike Pace opposed Sapien’s selection because, he said, Sapien had tried to take his job as Sapien was making his unsuccessful run for the 32nd state Senate district. Pace said that several people urged him to step down as mayor in midterm so that Sapien could be appointed and therefore be able to mount a better campaign for the state post.

Pace, who supported state Sen. Ed Royce (R-Anaheim), said the alleged action should disqualify Sapien from the mayor’s job.

Sapien denied that he or anyone else had sought Pace’s seat.

“Even if what he says is true,” Sapien said, the city attorney “said that it’s not illegal, that it’s done all the time in politics.”


Pace was the only council member to oppose Sapien’s appointment Tuesday night as the ceremonial head of the city government. Martha Weishaupt was appointed vice mayor.

Sapien added that even if he had been mayor before the election, it probably would not have made a difference. He was defeated in the primary by 12,443 votes.
