
President Reagan’s Secret Dealing With Iran

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Ronald Reagan has graduated from “disinformation,” “miscalculation,” and “misspeak” into plain, out-in-the-open flimflam and hypocrisy.

The Great Communicator insists that arms to Iran was not a deal, not a trade for hostages, but rather an attempt to secure support among moderate Iranians. At best this is plainly naive, and, it is plainly stupid. As a result, we have lost credibility throughout the world.

Failure after failure has been presented as successes; the Libya raid, the debacle in Lebanon, the undeclared war in Nicaragua, the blunder at Reykjavik, and most dangerous and sickening of all, his pie-in-the-sky Strategic Defense Initiative.


But his bottles of elixir, his own patented brand of rose-colored sugar-water are not selling this time. And his pious explanations, given with such heart-rending sincerity, are finally being heard for what they are--hot air.

Hopefully, Congress will bring him to account before he again mistakes our tolerance of his rhetoric for acceptance. America deserves better.


Culver City
