
Holiday Highlights Recalled at Benefit

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London-born Ralph Pellard recalled the Christmas he got his first cowboy hat.

The Rev. Robert Boyer remembered receiving his first workbench.

And Patti Brinton said she’d never forget the Christmas her father came home after serving two years in the service during Word War II.

For all the guests who shared cherished holiday remembrances over cocktails during “Christmas Memories,” a benefit for the Children’s Home Society at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel on Saturday night, favorites had little to do with the grand gesture. “Finding a five-and-dime store music box under the tree is what I remember,” Bernice Hezmalhalch said. “I’d wanted one in the worst way. But on Christmas Eve, my mother went into the hospital to deliver my brother, so I didn’t think there’d even be Christmas.

“But lo and behold, I remember waking up the next morning to the tinkling of a music box. It was a simple little thing. But to me it was a treasure. I wish I still had it. I really do.” Kathleen Holle’s favorite recollection was the time Santa came to her house. “It wasn’t until years later that I found out it had been my dad,” she said. “There really is a Santa, you know--the Children’s Home Society.”


Event proceeds, estimated at $35,000, will go toward the society’s adoption, foster family care, child advocacy, child day care, counseling and pregnancy counseling services.

350 Guests Present

The annual affair, sponsored by the society’s San Clemente-based Las Damas del Mar auxiliary, began with cocktails in the foyer of the hotel’s chandelier-hung grand ballroom.

As about 350 guests rubbed elbows in a crush of Christmas finery--tuxedos with red satin bow ties on many men and jewel-tone gowns glowing like Christmas lights on the women--they purchased raffle tickets on four of five Christmas trees displayed in the ballroom. One would be auctioned after the crab bisque and roast beef dinner.


Tannenbaum never had it so good. That very morning, auxiliary members had decorated the trees using such themes as “The Sound of Music”--a flocked symphony of dangling gold musical notes and clumps of berries set with fat birds and “Poinsettia Fantasy”--a squatty natural fir sprouting huge velvet poinsettias.

A centerpiece designed and created by auxiliary member Brinton was also on the auction block. Brinton said the event’s theme inspired the coveted work (won by Robert Spanjian). “Trying to come up with what it should look like kept waking me up at 3 in the morning,” she said. “And then I decided to go with Christmas memories that would reflect everybody’s age group (at the benefit) . . . and reflect that.”

The result was a display of tiny Christmas carolers, ice skaters, Santa with a sleigh full of toys and a single Christmas elf. “The elf was my husband’s idea,” Brinton said. “He loved them as a child.”


The evening’s highlight came with the auction of “Jolly St. Nick,” a flocked tree smothered with fat, stuffed Santas, donated by Shirley Dunham. Two couples--Joy and John Rasic and Skippy and Don McCoy--pooled resources to bid $800 on the tree and then bestowed it upon a flabbergasted (and emotionally overcome) Daria Waples, auxiliary president.

“I love children,” Waples had confessed earlier. “I hate to see them in need. I like to be able to do something that helps.

Meaningful Lives

“Parents who’ve adopted children--some with handicaps--have shared their stories with us, told us how meaningful their lives have become.

“If it wasn’t for the society, perhaps they wouldn’t have had that little child.”

Waples said all the society’s Orange County chapters will unite Dec. 15 to throw a Christmas party for the children who participate in the organization’s day care center placement program. “For many of those children, the gift we give them at the party is the only one they’ll receive.”

Waples is no stranger to single gifts on Christmas. Her favorite Christmas memory: “My doll!” she exclaimed. “I got it when I was 6. . . . It was a great big doll. I was so excited. My parents were so poor you only got one present.”

Committee members included Karleen Van Dam and Pat Cleaver, co-chairmen. Assisting were Ethel Crane, Pat Higgins, Jean Wagner, Brinton, Jayne LeHecka, Debi Folgner, Paulette Greenwaldc, Donna Barrett, Tina McFarlin, Melanie Roquet, Pat Lavin, Diane Nonken, Bonnie Plank, Faye Berger, Evie Sutherland, Diana Brownson, Waples, Liz Hodges and Frank Ponti.


Bob Carrick donated the Christmas trees. Boyer gave the invocation.
