
Deputy Arrested in Jail Marijuana Case

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Narcotics detectives on Friday arrested a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy as he tried to smuggle marijuana into the maximum security section of a county jail in Castaic, authorities said.

The deputy, Ivan Rivera, 22, was assigned to the facility, the Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho. He was taken to the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station and held in lieu of $5,000 bail, sheriff’s spokesman Pete Fosselman said.

Rivera, of Hawthorne, a deputy for one year, was arrested on suspicion of bringing narcotics into a jail facility, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and possession of narcotics in a jail, Fosselman said.


The detectives, acting on confidential information, stopped Rivera about 3 p.m. as he entered the maximum security facility, Fosselman said.

Detectives then searched Rivera’s car and found 25 grams of marijuana, Fosselman said. Rivera was removed from duty pending the filing of criminal charges, Fosselman said.
