
Assemblyman’s Plan to Block Growth Controls

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As a lifelong Republican, I was appalled and shocked at the position of that “self-styled expert on urban economics,” Assemblyman Gil Ferguson (R-Newport Beach).

Such an irresponsible statement as “local governments cannot use their charters to thwart the forces of the economy” is preposterous.

Ferguson’s former association with the Irvine Co. hardly qualifies him to speak as an independent, unbiased public servant on such a sensitive issue as Measure A.


Contrary to Ferguson’s statement that “you just can’t leave growth to every little local community (70,000 is little?) or they are liable to shut off growth everywhere,” every community has the unalienable right to control its own destiny. And this is done through zoning laws.

When commercial interests seek to increase commercial density through sympathetic lawmakers, the community has every right to resort to public initiative for its own well-being and community self-preservation.

Is it up to Mr. Ferguson, the Irvine Co., the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Realtors or any other self-interest group to tell a community what is in its best interest?


As distasteful as the vote on Measure A was for a number of self-serving individuals and special-interests groups, it was a vote for common-sense growth and a mandate by the citizens of Newport Beach to build within the limits we have set for the general welfare and preservation of the community we love and serve.

Any attempt at legislation to remove a city’s destiny from the hands of its citizens is a step toward anarchy and away from representative government.


Corona del Mar
