
Reagan and the Unfolding Iran-Contra Story

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The bird-brains who criticize President Reagan for the Iranian arms deal, which resulted in freedom for two hostages, are the same ones who jumped all over him previously for not doing enough to obtain their release. These are the same self-appointed experts on foreign policy who would if they had their way push through unilateral disarmament and turn the country over to the Reds on a silver platter.

Reagan may be a bargain-basement President, as letter writer Milton Eisenstein (Times, Nov. 30) implies, but I doubt it. At least he has sense enough not to tell all that he knows to the host of his detractors both in and out of Congress.

Anyone with sense enough to come out of the rain knows that secrecy is the most important ingredient of successful diplomacy. Neither the people, congressmen, nor the news media have any “right to know,” expressed or implied, because they have demonstrated their inability to keep their mouths shut.


As far as channeling arms-sale proceeds to the contras, that was a master stroke for which Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North deserves our thanks, not our condemnation. This American patriot knew through firsthand observation how badly these Freedom Fighters need more than the meager funding voted by Congress. He also comprehended how vital it is to our national security to destroy the incumbent Marxist regime in Nicaragua. Thank God that in Ronald Reagan we have a President who knows it, too, and who has the courage to make a strong national defense his No. 1 priority.


San Marino
