
Burkhart to Lead NAWIC L. A. Chapter

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Patricia Burkhart, safety director of Oltmans Construction Co., Whittier, has been installed as the 26th president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Assn. of Women in Construction.

Other officers, installed in a program at the Sheraton Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica, are Suzanne Schmutzler of Wagner, Hohns, Inglis Inc., president-elect; Krista Wilkie of Gordon Sand Co., vice president; Barbara Horwitz of Hellman & Lober Inc., recording secretary; Sandra Devine, Mich Corp., corresponding secretary, and Virginia Chayra of Transit Mixed Concrete Co., treasurer.

Directors are Norma Gordon of Gordon Sand Co.; Linda Dovalis, city of Maywood; Nancy Layton of Dieterich-Post Co.; Norma Tripolino of KDG Architecture (immediate past president), and Donna Falcinella of Tishman Realty & Construction Corp. of California.
