
Santa Ana : Congressmen Urged to Drop Contra Support

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A coalition of county groups opposed to the Reagan Administration policy in Central America expressed hope Tuesday that area congressmen will abandon their support for aid to the contras fighting the Nicaraguan government.

Marion Pack of the Orange County Alliance for Survival, one of the groups in the Orange County Central America Network, said at a Santa Ana press conference that the coalition will conduct a survey next month to see how county residents view the disclosures of secret U.S. arms shipments to Iran and diversion of Iran’s payments to finance the contras.

Pack said the group also will try to persuade residents to send post cards to the county’s congressmen, all Republicans, announcing opposition to the Administration’s aid to the contras.

John Smith of the Latin American Solidarity Network at UC Irvine, another member of the coalition, said: “It’s going to be the constant flow of new facts that’s going to persuade (the congressmen) that they have to change their positions.”


Reps. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton), Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach), Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove), Daniel E. Lungren (R-Long Beach) and Ron Packard (R-Carlsbad) said last week that they support President Reagan’s handling of the Iranian arms-contra scandal.
