
CSUN Closes Freshman Class Applications for Fall of 1987

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Times Staff Writer

The freshman class that will enter California State University, Northridge next September is already full and no more applications will be accepted, the school announced Thursday.

More than 6,700 applications for next fall’s freshman class were received in November, the largest number the school has ever received in the initial filing period, according to Mary Baxton, associate director of admissions and records.

More transfer applications have been received than anticipated, but there are no plans to close transfer applications at this time, CSUN officials said. No limits have been set on applications for graduate programs.


Expected Dec. 31 Cutoff

Earlier this year, CSUN officials announced that freshman applications would close after 6,350 eligible applications were received. At the time, officials expected that limit would be reached by Dec. 31.

“We received 6,715 applications and they all came in November,” said Baxton. “That’s a record for us.”

Baxton said CSUN will accept approximately 5,000 freshman applicants and expects about 3,000 students will actually enroll.


School officials are limiting the number of entering freshman in order to ease crowding on the Northridge campus, where enrollment reached a record 29,785 this year, an increase of nearly 1,000 from the 1985-1986 school year, which set the previous enrollment record.

The Northridge campus is not the only school in the California State University system receiving a record number of applications. California State University, San Diego is in a similar situation, according to William Vandament, provost and vice chancellor of the 19-campus system.

“Applications systemwide are up 9,000 over the previous year’s filings,” Vandament said.

At CSUN, freshman applications received after the cutoff date will be held and students contacted to see what they wish to do. Baxton said CSUN can relay an application to another campus for consideration, or can convert it into an application for admission to CSUN in the 1988 spring semester.
