
Change in San Clemente

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Greatly enjoyed Tom Huth’s “Home Town San Clemente” (Nov. 30). It gives the right flavor--up to the last paragraph in which he quotes someone to the effect that “the old retirees don’t want any changes.”

Well, he may be right about old retirees. But he’s wrong to indicate that they are the only ones who “want things quiet and peaceful.”

I was deeply involved in last February’s successful initiative campaign by San Clementeans for Managed Growth and more recently in the victorious November City Council campaign for Brian Rice, a dentist, and Tom Lorch, an aerospace engineer, candidates who started the “managed growth” movement. Neither of them is anywhere near the stage of being “old retirees.”

I am a “retiree,” but during the course of those campaigns, I often had a hard time keeping up with the enthusiasm and hard work of the dozens of men and women (ages 30 to 50) who pitched in to do what they could to keep San Clemente quiet and peaceful. No one wants San Clemente to “just die away.” It’s the monster developers who are trying to kill it.



San Clemente
