
Walsh Asks FBI to Continue Inquiry

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Associated Press

The attorney chosen to investigate the Iran- contra s affair said Saturday that he may use Justice Department employees in his probe and that he has asked the FBI to continue its own investigation.

“When an independent counsel is appointed, everything stops, the investigations, everything,” said Lawrence E. Walsh, named independent counsel Friday by a three-judge panel in Washington. “I didn’t want to stop the progress that had been started.”

Walsh refused comment on President Reagan’s request for limited immunity for former White House National Security Adviser John M. Poindexter and his former aide, Lt. Col. Oliver L. North.


Although the 74-year-old Oklahoma City attorney said he expected to use some attorneys from his own law firm on his staff, “there may be some staff in the Justice Department that could be available to me. I have not gotten that far into arranging a staff,” he said.
