
Note on Hand Told of Israeli Nuclear Worker’s Kidnaping

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Associated Press

Former Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu flashed a message on the palm of his hand while being taken to court, and today the military censor allowed journalists to disclose that it said he had been kidnaped in Rome.

Friends have insisted that Vanunu was abducted by Israeli agents and returned to Tel Aviv.

The message he relayed Sunday was the first word from Vanunu, who has been held incommunicado since being brought to Israel in October to await trial on charges of espionage.

Publication of some details of the incident was delayed by the Israeli military censor for 20 hours.


The Sunday Times in London reported Oct. 5 that Vanunu gave it information on a factory in the Negev Desert where he said Israel has made 100 to 200 nuclear weapons.

On Way to Court

Vanunu, 32, wrote a message on his palm in English and quickly showed it to reporters Sunday on his way to Jerusalem District Court.

Reporters were unable to make out the message, but photographs of his palm indicated that it read: “Vanunu M. was hijacked in Rome Itl. 30.9.86 2100 Came to Rome by BA Fly 504.” The numbers apparently refer to Sept. 30, 1986, at 9 p.m.--the date and time of the supposed abduction. “BA Fly 504” apparently refers to British Airways Flight 504.


Reporters fired questions at Vanunu as he left court, asking where he was kidnaped. Vanunu shouted “Italy!” and a policeman clamped a hand over his mouth. That word, too, was initially censored by Israel.

Vanunu disappeared in London on Sept. 30, and news reports had said he was kidnaped from England or from international waters by agents of Mossad, the Israeli secret service.

Return Kept Secret

Israel has refused to reveal how he got back to Israel but has said it broke no British laws.


The London Evening Standard reported today that Vanunu was enticed aboard British Airways Flight 504 from London’s Heathrow Airport to Rome by a Mossad agent named Cindy. The Standard did not say how it received the report and gave no other details.

The daily Yediot Aharonot said authorities will investigate why police failed to notice that Vanunu had written a message on his hand. It said the inquiry will also investigate why Vanunu’s hands were not handcuffed and why he was able to shout to reporters.

Kept in Custody

The court ordered Vanunu held in custody until his trial, which will be held behind closed doors. No date has been set.

Vanunu is charged with aiding a war enemy and two counts of aggravated espionage, defined as passing information with intent to harm. The war charge refers to the fact that Israel is in a technical state of war with all but one of its Arab neighbors.
