
Hostage Heroes

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I may be one small voice crying in the wilderness but I do not view our present or past hostages as heroes (exception: those in peril by order of our government) nor do I feel that those who arranged their bail out as heroes.

Those just released and the ones still held went into harm’s way willingly. They had knowledge of great danger and that sanity was not one of the attributes of the forces in the Beirut area. Also high pay was surely a strong consideration.

The result of their adventure is now an Administration in disarray.

David P. Jacobsen, a released hostage hero, is blaming the press and politics for the uproar when the bald fact is that he put himself at risk. When his plans went awry, his family and friends raised an uproar for his rescue.


I feel he went into danger with knowledge and forethought and the desire for high pay. We should not have to bail him out.


Huntington Beach
