
Hospital to Recommend Parents Get Baby Jesse

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Loma Linda University Medical Center announced Wednesday that its attorneys will recommend that custody of heart-transplant recipient Baby Jesse be returned to his parents.

Jesse, now 7 months old, has been in the custody of his paternal grandparents. Hospital officials had refused to allow the operation until the grandparents took charge of the infant because Jesse’s parents were considered ill prepared to give him adequate care.

A hospital spokeswoman said the hospital was now prepared to recommend in court that custody be returned to the parents, Jesse Sepulveda, 26, and Deana Binkley, 18.


Family spokeswoman Susan Carpenter McMillan said the family will go to court next week to ask a judge to return custody to Jesse’s parents.

McMillan said a hospital committee had determined “that Jesse and Deana had done a wonderful job of caring for the baby” on a day-to-day basis since his release from the hospital in July.
