
Bernardi-Wachs Office Victim of $10,000 Burglary

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Burglars broke into the Van Nuys City Hall offices of Los Angeles City Councilmen Ernani Bernardi and Joel Wachs on Tuesday night, taking office equipment valued at about $10,000, city officials reported Wednesday.

Carolyn Loria, a Bernardi aide, said the glass door to the office in the 14400 block of Sylvan Street, which Bernardi and Wachs share, was smashed.

A computer and typewriter used by Bernardi’s staff were missing, as was a copying machine belonging to Wachs, she said.


Earlier this month, thieves broke into the city attorney’s office in Van Nuys City Hall in the middle of the night and stole a microwave oven and typewriter. A police spokesman said the burglaries appear to be unrelated.

Loria said the burglary of the councilmen’s office was discovered by a police officer arriving at work Wednesday morning.

A police spokesman declined comment when asked how thieves got into the government building, which is locked at night.
