
Land Mine Set by Contras Kills 2 in War-Torn Province

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From Times Wire Services

A land mine placed by contras exploded under a government truck, killing two volunteer coffee pickers in war-torn Jinotega province, rebel radio reports and a witness said Sunday. The reports were later confirmed by the government newspaper Barricada.

The incident occurred near a state coffee plantation Saturday not far from the Honduran border and 75 miles north of Managua, the contras’ broadcast said.

“These ‘volunteer coffee workers’ were both armed and wearing the olive green of the army,” the broadcast said. “We have previously warned that government vehicles with such passengers would be a target of war.”


A resident told United Press International that two coffee harvesters were killed “and several appeared injured.”

Coffee workers often dress in army uniform and carry Soviet-made rifles when harvesting in Jinotega and other northern provinces, where the U.S.-backed contras are most active.
