
Creationists Focus On Missing Link

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In regard to your recent editorial concerning the origin of man and the critical letters to follow, it is my contention that, when isolated, both views fall short of their goals.

The fact that evolution occurs is indisputable; how it occurs is another problem altogether, which Darwin and others have yet to adequately explain.

Men did not evolve from apes but share a common ancestry with them. The fossil links between the early primates and primitive man--that is, those creatures with upright bodies and primitive brains--are quite numerous. These changes took approximately 4 million years.


Then, less than 100,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon man appears as a contemporary to the primitive Neanderthal, with art, the beginnings of agriculture, and a brain capacity greater than that of most humans today.

Since this is a very recent advance on a geological time scale, there should be more evidence of change in the fossil record. Yet it is simply not there. Perhaps God was so busy creating new life in his immense universe that it took him some time to get here.


