
N.Y. Illegal Parkers May End Up in Scrape With the Law

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Associated Press

Drivers who park illegally soon may start finding not-so-friendly notes from the Sanitation Department. Big notes. Glued to their car windows.

“We just want to get their attention,” Brendan Sexton, the sanitation commissioner, said Friday. “The idea is to get the point across.”

To remove the notes, he said, offenders will need hot water and a scraper.

The plan reflects the department’s frustration with drivers who ignore alternate-side-of-the-street parking rules, he said. Their cars block street sweepers. The streets do not get clean.


“If the parker is interfering, we’re going to allow him to understand more completely what that parking violation means,” Sexton said. “It’s an informational piece.”

The sticker, the size of a piece of loose-leaf paper, says: “This vehicle violates New York City Parking Regulations. As a result, this street could not be properly cleaned. A cleaner New York is up to you.”

Along with the note, the driver will get a parking ticket and could face having the car towed.
