
State Industrial Board Looking for Advisers

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The California Industrial Welfare Commission is looking for candidates to serve on five advisory panels. One panel, called wage boards, will study and make recommendations on the state’s minimum wage and matters related to it.

The other four boards will consider current exemptions in commission orders for persons employed in administrative, executive or professional capacities. The orders cover such areas as manufacturing industry and professional, technical, clerical and mechanical occupations, the public housekeeping industry and the amusement and recreation industry.

These four boards will also study and make recommendations on issues regarding hours and days of work, including but not necessarily limited to flexible daily schedules, and recommendations related to alternative workweek agreements.


The boards will consist of an equal number of employer and employee representatives plus a non-voting chairperson.

Members will be expected to serve for two consecutive days, staggered during the year. Members will be paid $100 plus travel expenses for each day. Nomination forms can be obtained from the Industrial Welfare Commission, P.O. Box 603, San Francisco 94101, or by calling (415) 557-2590.
