
Father Tully

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I was shocked to read (Times, Jan. 4) of the death of Father Matthew Patrick Tully, but not surprised that he was “sharing a friend’s duty” when he was killed in a hit-and-run accident while on his way to administer last rites to a patient. That was Father Matt’s way.

I, and many others, will remember this kind and gentle man of God who did his work and has left us. We are all going to feel a sense of loss made more horrendous considering the fact that he would forgive the man “who fled the scene on foot”.

If the man who “walked in and asked to be arrested for the crime” is truly the guilty party he will face punishment that somehow Father Matt would have tempered with compassion. That was Father Matt’s way.


Maybe we can do the same. It won’t be easy, but it is in having known Father Matthew Patrick Tully that we try.

Peace, dear Father Matt.


Los Angeles
