
The Region - News from Jan. 16, 1987

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A political consultant convicted of election fraud in the aftermath of a bitter 1985 Compton runoff election was fined and placed on probation for violating the Political Reform Act. Roderick Wright, a political consultant with Wright-Lester & Associates in Inglewood, was sentenced to three years’ probation for admitting his part in a violation of the Political Reform Act. Wright will also have to pay a $2,500 fine for his efforts to help Compton City Councilman Floyd James win a 1985 election. Once the fine is paid, his sentence will be changed to summary probation, Superior Court Judge Aurelio Munoz ruled. James still faces trial on election fraud and conspiracy charges. James and Wright had been accused of trying to buy votes during the runoff against Patricia Moore, an aide to Rep. Mervyn M. Dymally (D-Compton.)
