
Social Security

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You really made my day with your article (Jan. 9) regarding the scare tactics being employed by Social Security lobbyists. I’m glad to know that someone is challenging the tactics of this lobbying group, “National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare,” headed by former Rep. James Roosevelt (D-Calif). After receiving one of their first mailings, I was so angry that I jammed the entire mailing into the return envelope and mailed it back with a nasty note. I wish I could have enclosed a hefty brick.

Calling the tactics of this group “irresponsible,” to quote the Social Security commissioner, is an understatement. I call them shameless. Roosevelt seems to be trying to make book on his father’s reputation and in the process he stirs up unfounded fears in the minds of Social Security recipients. Then, incredibly, he asks for money for his efforts.


San Diego
