
San Diego

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City Manager John Lockwood has suggested adding 140 uniformed officers and 45 civilians to the city police force beginning July 1. The additions would cost an estimated $10.4 million and would bring the city closer to its goal of providing two police officers for every 1,000 residents.

Lockwood’s recommendation for the 1987-88 budget was unveiled in the first of several budget workshops with council members Monday.

During discussions, Councilman William Jones requested that Lockwood find the money necessary to allow the 13-member citizens advisory board on police community relations to continue its work. The panel, scheduled to disband in July, has been providing valuable suggestions to the Police Department on how to improve its procedures and image, Jones said.


Mayor Maureen O’Connor also asked Lockwood to investigate ways to cut down on report-writing by police officers so the officers can concentrate on fighting crime.

After the workshop, Lockwood said that even if his suggested increase is approved, the Police Department is still about 300 officers short of its staffing goal. The increase of 140 positions is the third in a five-year program to reach the two-officer goal for every 1,000 San Diegans.
