
Badham and the Helicopter Crash

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The military junkets of Rep. Robert E. Badham (R-Newport Beach) are finally paying off for the military. The Times, on Jan. 13, reports that Badham disputes the Imperial County deputy coroner’s comment on pilot error in the unfortunate crash of the CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter and death of five Marines.

The purpose of this letter is not to discuss which individual is correct but only to point out that, much premature and prior to a complete investigation of the crash, Badham, by thrusting himself as the “lead blocker” for his old friend, the military, has allowed his bias to show once again.

This bias restricts this same Congressman Badham from being capable of being objective about any commercial use of El Toro or Camp Pendleton as a relief of the pressure of air traffic on John Wayne Airport.



Newport Beach
