
President’s State of Union

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In a word, and to use a cliche, your editorial was right on.

The President certainly knows how to present himself, and the fact that he really believes in what he has to offer is obvious. What matters is that a substantial part of the public still agrees with and accepts what he has to say in spite of the discredit he has brought on himself by his poor judgment and utter lack of wisdom and perspective. It’s hard to accept, for me, and among others I’m sure, that his rhetoric can begin to cover up for his basic inadequacies. This is mirrored by the wishful thinking and blindness of the electorate, who still want to believe in him.

Obviously, Reagan-bashing, as you put it, will only engender sympathy when what we really need is a strong leader who can find a way to get past that, with the guts and imagination to point up a new direction for the people to accept and support, instead of “The Russians are coming, look out” that we’ve had for so long.


Costa Mesa
