
Outdoor Recreation Summary Released

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Associated Press

The Interior Department reversed itself Friday and decided to distribute the summary of a presidential advisory commission report on outdoor recreation.

However, the department said it would still hold back the full report until a lawsuit by critics of the commission is settled.

The hold order had applied also to 48,000 copies of the 30-page summary at a mail service firm, which was about to mail them to various groups specified by the President’s Commission on Americans Outdoors.


“The Justice Department and our attorneys feel that since the popular report (the summary) has already been released to the public . . . and the plaintiffs apparently do not object to the distribution of the popular version, we’re going ahead and distribute it,” said Alan Levitt, a department spokesman.

The commission passed out or mailed as many as 2,000 copies of the summary during and after a Jan. 14 news conference to announce its recommendations.

Those recommendations included the formation of an endowment to yield $1 billion a year for state and local governments to buy recreation land.
