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Speaking of picture making: Paramount Pictures and Life magazine found a nifty way to deal with Hollywood egos the other day when it lined up 60 old and new Paramount stars for a photo commemorating the studio’s 75th anniversary. Deciding who would stand where, get the best camera angles, hitting the right lighting, etc., just wasn’t a problem.

“It was all done by lottery,” said Life senior editor Robert Hofler, who was there with photographer Terry O’Neill (Faye Dunaway’s hubbie). “Each star drew a number as they left Sound Stage 1.” They proceeded to pre-numbered seats set up under the famous studio arch, and it was all over in less than half an hour. Said Hofler: “I was in a state of shock that it went so well.”

Celebs included Dunaway, Bob Hope, James Stewart, Olivia de Havilland, Harrison Ford, Robert De Niro, Tom Cruise, Debra Winger, Gregory Peck, etc. The picture will be part of Life’s April Hollywood issue.
