
Woman Given Year for Welfare Fraud

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A woman has been sentenced to a year in County Jail after pleading guilty to welfare and food stamp fraud, an official in the district attorney’s office said.

Lorraine Angela Maitland, 33, of Costa Mesa failed to report that she was living with the father of one of her two children, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Teresa Viscoli. The father, William Taylor, was fully employed from March, 1980, to November, 1985, when the fraud occurred, Viscoli said.

Maitland was also placed on five years of probation and ordered to pay $31,668 in restitution, Viscoli said. Maitland has already paid back $5,000 and will be on “work furlough,” staying in the jail nights and weekends, so that she can work during the day, Viscoli said.
