
The Region : PCP Supplier Convicted in Teen’s Death

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A man who supplied PCP to a teen-ager who later walked into the ocean and drowned was convicted of second-degree murder. “There’s never been another case like this in the county, and probably not the state,” Orange County Superior Court Judge Richard J. Beacom said. Mark Taylor, 30, of Huntington Beach faces 20 years to life in prison for the conviction, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Thomas Borris. Juror Kellie Berry said outside court that although the death was unintentional, it wouldn’t have occurred if Taylor hadn’t made the drug available. Taylor also was convicted of selling and giving the hallucinogenic PCP to Adrian Obregon, 18, who took the drug and then entered the water at Huntington State Beach and drowned 10 months ago.
