
Rohr Contract Talks to Resume Monday

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Rohr Industries officials and striking machinists will go back to the bargaining table Monday--one week after about 4,500 union members walked off their jobs at the aerospace firm’s Chula Vista and Riverside plants.

Federal Mediation Service Commissioner Clinton G. Brame called the meeting for 10 a.m. Monday but would not disclose the meeting place except to say that it is in the Riverside area. He also refused to say whether the union or the company had requested the resumption of contract negotiations.

Dick Dalton, Rohr spokesman, said that management representatives were “pleased to be returning to the table” and “hoped that this will be a first step to a speedy and equitable settlement” of contract terms.


Machinists Local 755 business representative Tom Hurd said that the Chula Vista and Ontario locals would have about 17 union representatives at the Monday talks. Hurd said that he did not know who asked for resumption of negotiations, “but it sure wasn’t us.”

Union members walked out one minute after midnight last Monday after rejecting the final offer by Rohr negotiators in meetings Sunday.
