
Good Riddance

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All this self-flagellation over the loss of our symphony is a comical farce. San Diego will survive quite nicely without its own orchestra.

With the advent of modern digital sound systems, people can listen to consistently great productions of music on their own stereos. Truth is, 90% of the attendees at a symphony could hear superior phonics at home.

The foolish musicians don’t seem to recognize that modern technology will do to them what movies and TV did to the live burlesque performers of another era.


The symphony performances are in reality social events with the orchestra providing the beautiful people a chance to dress up and feign sophistication. I don’t begrudge them their pleasures, but let’s not blow the demise of the symphony out of proportion.

As for myself, I will not miss being dragged to the symphony by my spouse. I relish the opportunity to attend truly great musical performances on my comfortable couch whenever I please.


San Diego
