
Week in Review : MAJOR EVENTS, IMAGES AND PEOPLE IN ORANGE COUNTY NEWS : AT THE SCENE : Woman Barred From Hospital Loses Suit

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<i> Times staff writers Lanie Jones, Bill Billiter and Ray Perez compiled the Week in Review stories. </i>

An Orange County Superior Court judge has ruled against a woman who failed to convince two Anaheim hospitals that she was the wife of a dying man--and that three other “wives” were imposters.

Judge Robert C. Todd ruled that Gloria Barron, 53, was never the legal wife of Thomas Barron and that employees of Anaheim Memorial Hospital and Humana Hospital West Anaheim were entitled to bar her from visiting the man she swore was her husband, as he lay dying of a heart attack in July, 1984.

“Never having been legally married, plaintiff had no enforceable rights violated by the defendants,” according to Todd, who presided over the $1-million lawsuit against the two hospitals.


“I was legally married, but there was some dissension about his divorce being final when I married him,” Barron said. “But I was married. I felt married, and he was with me all the time. He was never apart from me from the time I got married.”

Gloria and Thomas Barron were wed in a Las Vegas ceremony in 1981, she said. Three years later, Thomas, 57, suffered a massive heart attack. It was July 11, and Gloria rushed him to Humana. He was later transferred to Anaheim Memorial, where he died on July 23.
