
Our Super Weather: a Not So Super Welcome

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I found Dick Turpin’s column very disturbing. Any article enticing people to this area is really uncalled for. Not only do we have all the Easterners and Midwesterners we can take, but we also have to put up with their habits, especially while driving.

It used to be that a Californian was a person who was hospitable and a rather pleasant person to have around. But now we have the Easterners with their extreme rudeness to contend with, and that we can do without.

As for real estate people getting ready to pounce on the much unwelcomed migrant from wherever, I must say that the real estate industry will have to act with some responsibility towards the people who have lived in California for decades and helped to make it a pleasant place to live in, only to have it ruined by those new arrivals.


I feel that all those people who moved here 10 to 15 years ago should go back where they came from. I too came to California from somewhere else, but I got here when there was room. Those days are gone.


Huntington Beach
