
Our Super Weather: a Not So Super Welcome

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Dick Turpin’s column, “Super Bowl Weather: a Great Lure,” (Feb. 1) really infuriated me.

In our already overcrowded cities, we do not need any more Easterners moving here. We can’t breathe, our freeways are a disaster, our housing is out of sight, we can’t even drive anywhere on weekends because of all the people spilling out onto the roads; we can’t even go to work without arriving in a state of agitation. And, still, we get columns like yours suggesting that more of these people with their lack of manners and their rudeness will be descending upon us en masse.

The real estate industry will have to show some sense of responsibility for the quality of life in Southern California. Will their unmitigated greed never end?

We need to encourage people to leave California and discourage new people from settling here. I’m praying for that big earthquake to come. Please, no more columns suggesting even remotely that any more people settle here.



Huntington Beach
