
Dr. Eric Schmitter has been elected chief...

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Dr. Eric Schmitter has been elected chief of staff for 1987 at Santa Monica Hospital Medical Center. Schmitter, an orthopedic surgeon, has served on the hospital’s executive medical board for the past two years. He is director of the amputee clinic at Wadsworth Veterans Hospital and an assistant clinical professor at UCLA Medical Center. Also elected to the board are vice chairman Dr. Charles Hamrell and secretary-treasury Dr. Scott Bateman.

Bram Goldsmith of Beverly Hills has been elected by the Weizmann Institute of Science as deputy chairman of its international Board of Governors. He is chairman of the board and chief executive officer of City National Bank and City National Corp. and has been active with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Assn. and numerous Jewish charities. The Weizmann Institute is a research center in Israel.

Carolyn J. Wallace has been elected president of the Malibu Democratic Club. Other newly elected board members are Herta Heil, Clare Wallace, Perina Wiley, Rosalie Thomas, Michael L. Shultz and Steve Wenker.


Edward and Mona Okoneski on Friday will receive the Malibu Lions Community Recognition Award for their service to the community. Retired Municipal Judge John Merrick will be master of ceremonies at Splash restaurant in Malibu.

Former Santa Monica Mayor Nathaniel Trives has been honored with a resolution from the Santa Monica College Board of Trustees for his “outstanding leadership, commitment to higher education and dedicated service to the quality of education.” Trives, a former president of the college’s Associated Students, has taught justice administration classes and has served on the college personnel commission since 1983.

Jody E. Grant of Santa Monica has been assigned to the county assessor’s office in Culver City. Grant is one of 15 graduates of a 12-month training program conducted by senior staff members of the assessor’s office.


Television producer Roy Huggins has donated 16-millimeter prints of more than 120 television shows and movies to the UCLA Film and Television Archive, according to archives director Robert Rosen. Huggins, executive producer of the television series “Hunter,” was the creator of “Maverick,” “Colt 45,” “77 Sunset Strip,” “The Rockford Files” and other TV shows.

A rare historic videotape recorder has been donated to the UCLA Film and Television Archive by Hans O. Dietze. The wide-band magnetic tape recorder, model B-42 from the Bing Crosby Enterprises Electronics Division, was built in 1956 for the U.S. Army Signal Corps.

Actress Nina Foch has been appointed adjunct professor for USC’s graduate program in the School of Cinema-Television. Foch will teach a graduate workshop in directing and acting as her first assignment for the spring semester. She previously served on the USC faculty as adjunct professor of drama from 1966-68 and at the School of the Performing Arts from 1978-80.


Rochelle Rosenberg of Malibu is the new president of the board of directors of Kehillath Israel Jewish Congregation of Pacific Palisades and Malibu. Other newly elected board officers are Ron Greenfield, Fred Samulon and Richard Friedman.
