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Listeners will still get their daily dose of headlines, weather and sports Thursday, but from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., KFWB-AM (980) will also fill the air with “California Dreamin’ ” instead of commercials.

For about 20 minutes each hour, the all-news station plans to air optimistic observations from celebrities, politicians, sports figures and as many as 1,000 common folk who will be interviewed by KFWB reporters in “man-on-the-street” spots about their hopes and dreams for a better Southern California.

KFWB Executive Editor Dave Forman said the daylong promotional event will feature live and taped comments from as diverse a lineup of Southern Californians as George Burns, Mayor Bradley, Maureen Reagan, Tommy Lasorda, Barbara Billingsley and U.S. Sens. Pete Wilson (R) and Alan Cranston (D).


Forman said that the station will sacrifice about 17 minutes worth of commercial time per hour throughout the day which would normally sell for about $75,000 during the 12 hours of “California Dreamin’. “ Including overtime, advertising and other expenses for the promotion, Forman said the station will spend about $300,000.
