
ACLU Still Following Bias Case

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An article in The Times Glendale section on Feb. 12 concerning the claim filed by an Orthodox Jewish firefighter against the city made reference to the fact that the ACLU had been involved and was no longer involved in the case.

I want to counter the impression any readers may have had from that story that the ACLU is not interested in the case. Although the ACLU is no longer directly involved in representing Michael Pomeranz, we have been in continual contact with the private law firm representing Pomeranz and have offered our assistance with the constitutional arguments to be made in the case.

Having worked with Pomeranz through much of the time when the facts in this case were being shaped, we continue to believe that there is strong evidence of discriminatory treatment, both prior and subsequent to the transfer.


For the record, I also want to dispel any impression readers may have had that I was avoiding comment to your reporter. My unavailability for comment prior to publication of the story was directly related to an out-of-town deposition schedule and in-town court appearances, rather than any avoidance tactics.


Los Angeles

Sobel is with the ACLU Foundation Church/State Project.
