
Increasing the Minimum Wage

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John V.R. King’s letter (March 5) on keeping the minimum wage as it is has to be a most ridiculous argument, if not laughable.

Most of the minimum-wage earners are employed by fast-food places, chain stores, as porters, and other low-skilled jobs. There is no next step up. Besides, industries where some skill is required pay much more than the minimum; they would not be affected by the increase. And if a company has that low a scale, then there should be a general increase up the line.

What King forgets is that at below-poverty levels, a worker cannot afford either auto or health insurance, with unhappy consequences for all of us.


Also, the minimum wage has not kept up with inflation. Had it been pegged to inflation, the rate would now be more than $5 an hour. Higher minimum wages would be a boon to our economy.

Speaking of remuneration, has there been a moratorium on compensation for executives of corporations? To my knowledge, they are still voting themselves nice bonuses, stock options, golden parachutes, etc. Many of these people are grossly overpaid in comparison to executives in Japan and in other countries.


Canoga Park
