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Former Vista City Councilman Eddie Neal was ordered Wednesday to perform an additional 200 hours of volunteer service for not complying with probation conditions.

No jail time was given Neal, 47, who was sentenced by San Diego Superior Court Judge J. Richard Haden for his probation violation.

Neal’s attorney, Steven Lee, said Neal had recently performed 52 hours of the original 200 hours of volunteer work he was sentenced to on April 17, 1986, on his misdemeanor conviction of filing a false claim.


That leaves an additional 348 hours of work to perform.

Haden reinstated the conditions of Neal’s probation. He could have received a year in County Jail. The prosecutor had recommended a 60-day jail term.

Neal was charged after a June, 1985, trip to Washington in which he billed the City of Vista for his girlfriend’s plane fare to accompany him when he visited the White House.

Haden set a June 16 review hearing to see if Neal has been doing the volunteer work. On Jan. 23, with prosecutors set to file papers seeking to revoke his probation, Neal paid his $1,000 fine.
