
No-Smoking Law in Beverly Hills

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The other night my husband and I drove from Pacific Palisades to Beverly Hills in order to benefit from their wonderful no-smoking-in-restaurants policy. It was worth the time and trouble to make that trip, because we were able to enjoy our meal in a smoke-free dining room.

We told the waitress that we had come to Beverly Hills to eat because of the new ordinance, and she replied, “You would be amazed at how many customers have told me that since this all started. And now, when I get home from work, I don’t have to jump into the shower and wash my hair and then launder all my clothes to remove the smell of smoke from me and everything I wear.”

In another restaurant in Beverly Hills (we are making dining there a habit), our waiter told us he enjoyed his job much more without the smoke, and his wife didn’t wrinkle her nose in distaste at his odor when he got home.


As for smokers who feel their rights are being violated, they seem unwilling to face the fact that their smoking in places where other people are forced to inhale polluted air--and separating a room into two sections is often a ploy that accomplishes nothing in terms of keeping the no-smoking section truly smoke-free--is violating the rights of others to a healthy environment. It cannot be likened to dressing inappropriately or speaking loudly or crudely, because even though such lapses may lessen other diners’ pleasure in their meal, no impairment of their health is involved. Three cheers for Beverly Hills!


Pacific Palisades
