
No-Smoking Law in Beverly Hills

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I agree with Superior Court Judge Ricardo A. Torres’ recent ruling that the smoking ordinance in Beverly Hills is purely a public health regulation--I get sick every time I think about it.

What are the present--not projected--conclusive statistics (numbers, please) listing the number of deaths specifically attributed to the inhalation of “second-stream smoke?” The ambiguity of “was or may have been a contributing factor to” includes too many facets of our everyday existence to hone in so vehemently on smoking.

What about known health hazards due to the consumption of too much red meat, sugars, cholesterol, alcohol, and as we’ve recently learned, potentially hazardous chicken. Then, too, consider the toxic-belching buses, hydrocarbons and toxic waste fumes, to name a few, forced upon us daily.


I am a smoker of some 30 years, a choice I continue to pursue because I enjoy it. This is not to say I advocate others smoking but rather to exercise my freedom of choice. To restrict this borders on dictatorship. If this is just the beginning, what does the future hold in store--bye bye to steaks, chicken, candy, pastries or an occasional cocktail or two?

Question: Why, on many personally observed occasions, have nonsmokers been permitted to occupy smoking areas when they, for whatever reason, decide to become “tolerant” of smokers in order to get a table? Has the option, in reverse of course, ever been available to smokers?

I, for one, refuse to subject myself to stress, anxiety, possible and probable weight gain and, as recently reported, ulcerated colitis, or deny myself the pleasure of a fine meal and a smoke or two afterwards, relaxing in a place of my choosing. I didn’t serve in World War II and the Korean conflict to have the quality of my remaining years dictated to me by those too narrow-minded or stubborn to acquiesce with respect to the rights of all.

My fears of death do not focus in on smoking as much as my fear of a drunken driver or drug-crazed, gun-toting individual, who can and often does, wipe out a life in a matter of minutes.


Los Angeles
