
Fly Fisherman Reeling

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This letter is written regarding your flagrant disregard for accurate information in certain quotes and representations attributed to us in Rich Tosches’ article, “A Caste System for Fisherman” which appeared on April 24.

The article is not only misleading, unfair, prejudiced and basically untrue, but it gives the impression that only the privileged few with large incomes can afford to become fly fishermen.

You also give the impression that we only cater to “fly fishermen who tend to wear expensive Irish wool hats and spend more money for their angling gear than the average bait fisherman would spend for a house,” expounding an attitude that is patently untrue. Our store has always and will always carry fishing gear for all incomes and tastes. Fly fishing doesn’t have to be any more expensive than any other style of fishing. Outfits can be purchased for less than $100. We cater to all economic levels.


Further, your article implies that fly fishermen are elitist in their behavior to the exclusion of bait fishermen. This couldn’t be more untrue. In fact, fly fishing is actively based on educating the new or uninitiated to a different form of fishing.

Perhaps in your research you may have spoken to the arrogant few who look down on non-fly fishermen. In a retail business we cater to all types of fishing people. But to put all fly fishermen into that category is unconscionable. And to further imply that we sanction that attitude is nothing short of slanderous.

It not only can hurt our business, but injure the fishing industry as a whole by giving the public the impression that fly fishing cannot be enjoyed by anyone interested in this type of fishing unless they have enough money to do so.


Jeff Ellis

Owner/Partner Fisherman’s Spot
