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Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: Dedicated on July 4, 1940, at Hyde Park, N.Y., by Roosevelt, it contains not only an extensive collection of documents but also a small naval museum and many family mementos. Roosevelt was the first President to plan a library while in office, and the arrangements he made provided the basis for future repositories, via the Presidential Libraries Act of 1955.

Harry S. Truman Library: Along with the presidential papers, the library, which was dedicated at Independence, Mo., on July 6, 1957, contains a large mural and several paintings by Thomas Hart Benton, one of Truman’s favorite artists, and a replica of the Oval Office. The President is buried in the courtyard of the building.

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library: Situated on the Austin campus of the University of Texas, in a building constructed by the university, the library was dedicated May 22, 1971, by the former President. It is the only presidential library to offer free admission.


Eisenhower Center: A complex of buildings in Abilene, Kan., it includes not only the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library housing the presidential papers, but also a nondenominational church. Memorabilia from Eisenhower’s military career and from the White House are displayed in a museum. The library was dedicated May 1, 1972.

Herbert Hoover Library: Located in West Branch, Iowa, the birthplace of the President, it was dedicated on Aug. 10, 1972. The library contains the records of Hoover’s long career in public service, rare books, his fishing tackle and a collection of valuable Chinese porcelain.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library: It is housed in a building designed by I. M. Pei on the Columbia Point promontory in Boston, near the University of Massachusetts. It was dedicated on Oct. 20, 1979.


Gerald R. Ford Library: Dedicated on April 27, 1981, at Ann Arbor, Mich., on the University of Michigan campus, it houses Ford’s papers, including many from his years in the House of Representatives. A museum is under construction in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Carter Center: The center, on the campus of Emory University in Atlanta, houses the Jimmy Carter Library, as well as a museum and educational center. It was dedicated on Oct. 1, 1986.

Source: “Facts About the Presidents
