
Administration Violated Laws, Wright Charges

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United Press International

House Speaker Jim Wright, charging that several laws were violated by Administration officials in the Iran- contra arms deal, said today that President Reagan must uphold all laws, not just those he approves.

The President said this weekend that the Boland amendment, proscribing arming of the Nicaraguan contras for a time, did not apply to him.

“As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Constitution,” Wright said, “there needs to be renewed emphasis upon the indispensable provision in which the Constitution directs the President to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed.’ ”


In a statement read to reporters, the Texas Democrat said laws “are not obstacles to be evaded but instruments of official policy.”

“Whether the President likes them or not, it is his sworn obligation to see that those under his direction not only comply with them but take care that they be faithfully carried out.”

‘Systematically Violated’

Wright said the investigation of the sale of arms to Iran and diversion of money to the Nicaraguan rebels has made it “increasingly evident” that laws requiring the President to notify Co1852273253aid to the contras “were systematically violated by members of the executive branch.”


Wright said there is “room for honorable argument over the wisdom” of certain laws, but “there is no ambiguity” about the President’s responsibility.

“If any President were free to pick and choose which laws he would faithfully implement and which he would not, ours would cease to be a government of law,” Wright said.

The Speaker noted the laws that were violated carry no criminal penalty, but referring to the constitutional requirements, he said, “This is far more important than things that carry criminal penalties.”


Wright said he was not suggesting there were grounds for impeachment and was “not trying to provoke a confrontation. . . . I’m just trying to give good advice.”
