
While PACs Play It Cool, the West Warms to Bush

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Federal political-action committee money that will eventually wind up in the coffers of a Republican presidential candidate isn’t moving until fall. And there is no better signal of that lack of movement than the absence of almost any federal PAC money for the dinner Wednesday honoring Vice President George Bush at the Century Plaza. Insiders say that no decision by most of the PACs--which can give only a total of $5,000 each--will be made until the fall. Tickets sold for the Bush dinner already total close to $600,000, with almost all of that coming in $1,000 amounts, the limit for individuals. The dinner committee includes many of the same names that helped propel Ronald Reagan into the presidency, such as Holmes Tuttle (national finance co-chairman) and such Kitchen Cabineteers as Earle Jorgensen and Armand Deutsch.

WEDDING BELLS--Hot gossip around town is just how hot the wheeler-dealer producer Jerry Perenchio-Margie McHugh nuptials set for June 6 will get. As of now, maybe up to 200 guests will dance to up to seven orchestras and bands--like the Jack Elliott Orchestra accentuated by 50 additional violinists, Billy and the Beaters, the Guy Lombardo Orchestra and singer Joe Williams. All this takes place at Perenchio’s massive Holmby Hills estate (once the set for “The Beverly Hillbillies”). Spago is catering and the fancy wines include a ’70 Cheval Blanc and Montrachet ‘83, both very pricey. But don’t worry about the noise disturbing the neighbors, since mogul Perenchio bought the homes on both sides of his house. . . . On more simple wedding notes, it’s your basic combo newsie-horsie wedding as KCBS producer Sally Garner (who rides) does the knot with cameraman Eliot Fons at the home of Priscilla and Curtis Tamkin the same weekend.

CRISIS RESPONSES--Mayor Tom Bradley, Supervisor Mike Antonovich and builder Nathan Shapell along with dozens of building-industry leaders get together for a special fund-raising reception at the Regency Club on June 9. Money goes to Building a Better Los Angeles, a public-private partnership, which has already received pledges totaling $400,000. Money raised will be distributed through L.A. Federal Emergency Food and Shelter, with the participation of the L.A. Partnership for the Homeless. . . . The Downtown Wine & Food Festival on Sunday will feature pastry expert Nancy Silverton, along with wines from 40 vineyards and food from some top restaurants, from the long-established Bernard’s to the fabulous new hot spot, Cha Cha Cha. It all benefits the L.A. Library’s “Save the Books” campaign and will continue all afternoon on the garden level of the Union Bank Building.


WORDS OF WISDOM--Yes, San Francisco’s Four Seasons Clift Hotel provides multi-star service, including cookies and milk at bedtime and doting concierges. But have they gone too far in looking out for guests? Regard the note on the back of the card listing prices of drinks from the in-room mini-bar: “Please note: California Law prohibits the consumption of alcohol between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. and by persons under 21 years of age. The management of the hotel is required by law to take reasonable steps to prevent such consumption.” OK, now drink your milk and go to bed. . . . On PSA, the stewardess announced the drinks, including “leaded and unleaded Coca-Cola.”

HAPPENINGS--Democratic activists Paula Weinstein and Mark Rosenbaum will host that new fun non-couple, Amy Carter and Abbie Hoffman, along with attorney Leonard Weinglass, at a $50-per fund-raiser at their home Saturday evening. Look for the trio to then brunch at the Brentwood home of Stanley and Betty Sheinbaum the next day. . . . The proud mom, Loni Anderson, hosts a bridal shower for her UCLA co-ed daughter, Deidra, at her and Burt Reynolds’ home this weekend. . . . Marlo Thomas does the commencement speech honors at Marymount High School on Saturday. Her niece, Dionne Gordon, is in the graduating class. She’s the one who inspired Thomas’ book-TV show, “Free to Be You and Me.” . . . Attorney Gloria Allred gets hosted at the Riviera Country Club on June 6, benefiting the Beth Sholom Temple and the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund. . . . “Summer in West Hollywood” is the name of the June 11 fund-raiser for Mayor Steve Schulte at the Hyatt Hotel on Sunset.
