
COMMENCEMENT 1987 : Cal State Fullerton

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California State University, Fullerton, held its 28th annual commencement ceremonies at its campus for the largest graduating class in its history. The ceremonies were divided into seven separate exercises and were held throughout Saturday and Sunday. An awards presentation for the year’s outstanding students and faculty members was held in the University Center on Friday.

Degrees: 4,575 bachelor’s degrees and 825 master’s degrees were awarded.

Speakers: Donald Douglas Jr., chief executive officer of Douglas Energy Co., addressed the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Dr. Richard L. Hopping, president of the Southern California College of Optometry, addressed the School of Natural Science and Mathematics. Actor William Allen Young addressed the School of the Arts. Faculty speakers were Dean Thomas L. Brown of the School of Business Administration and Economics, Dean Don A. Schweitzer of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Acting Dean Eula L. Stovall of the School of Human Development and Community Service, who addressed their respective schools.
