
The Region : Huntington Beach Rioter Gets 345 Days

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Sean Boles, a 19-year-old beach goer, was sentenced to 345 days in jail for assaulting a police officer in the Huntington Beach riot last Labor Day and was ordered not to set foot on any Orange County beach for three years after his release. Boles was one of 13 people arrested in the melee near the city pier, which reportedly started after some young men tried to take off two women’s bikini tops. Boles was not accused of being involved in that incident. “He didn’t start it, but he certainly helped keep it going,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. Christopher J. Evans. The sentence imposed by Superior Court Judge Robert C. Todd was tougher than the one requested by Evans, who had asked for a jail term of six to eight months. Boles will be given credit for 80 days already spent in jail and will have to serve another nine months. He also was sentenced to three years probation and fined $100.
